Professional Stainless Steel Pepper Mill

Product Details

When it's time to add a bit of punch to any dish, the time-honoured seasoning of choice for chefs around the world is freshly ground pepper. Now you can find your perfect grind every time with our Professional Pepper Mill.

The adjustable grind lets you precisely control the consistency of the pepper from fine to coarse, and features a sharp, durable carbon steel grinder mechanism. The knurled knob is easy to grip and adds an attractive finishing touch to the mill's body, available in different finishes. To top it all off, we've backed it with a lifetime warranty!

CHEF TIP: add a little freshly ground black pepper to strawberries to enhance their natural sweetness, or spice things up with savoury baked black pepper butter cookies!

Adjustable knob - turn the knob clockwise for a finer grind, counter clockwise for coarser grind

The salt mill's grinder is made of high quality wear-resistant stainless steel alloy to prevent sea salt corrosion. The

pepper mill's carbon steel ginder offers the sharpest and most durable grinder on the market

For easy recognition, the letters "S" and "P" were printed on top of the knobs

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Evergrade Rating

This Product Scores high Compared to Other Products on Everlastly.com

What's in a Rating?

Evergrade rates the environmental impact of consumer products on a scale from 1 to 100 (where 100 is considered a sustainable product). The algorithm weighs five indicators and is based on scientifically backed research and data. We've done the work for you so you can make your purchase decisions thoughtfully and with the confidence that you're getting quality goods that have a light footprint on our planet.

Carbon Footprint
1.22 kg CO2e
90% Recyclable
Lifetime Warranty
No Current Certifications
0% Recycled Content

This product scores #VALUE! compared to other products on Everlastly.com

What’s in a rating?

Evergrade rates the environmental impact of consumer products on a scale from 1 to 100 (where 100 is considered a sustainable product). The algorithm weighs five indicators and is based on scientifically backed research and data. We’ve done the work for you so you can make your purchase decisions thoughtfully and with the confidence that you’re getting quality goods that have a light footprint on our planet.
Carbon Footprint
1.22 kg CO2e

CARBON FOOTPRINT score for this product is average compared to other products on Everlastly.com

The Evergrade Carbon Footprint measurement is an estimate of the quantity of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) that are released into the atmosphere in the materials sourcing, production and transportation of a consumer product. It considers Carbon Dioxide, the biggest perpetrator of global warming, along with the equivalents (that’s the “e” in Co2e) for other harmful gases like Methane. While the measure is based on the product data we can obtain, it's a very good directional measure to understand emissions from the creation of this product.

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